Things you need to know to be a MERN Stack Developer


Are you interested in a career as a MERN Stack Developer but need to see how to start preparing for it? We have you covered!

MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js.) is one of the most widely used web development stacks today, consisting of four powerful technologies that work together to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

In this article, we discuss what MERN Stack developers need to know and learn as new or exploring programmers. Without further ado, here is a list of things that every developer should know: These are basic skills that will serve you for a long time.


  • JavaScript is the basic scripting language used in website development. It supports the behaviour and functionality of a website, allowing visitors to a website to interact with its content. Since JavaScript is primarily a client-side language, it runs in the browser on the user’s computer. However, the advent of Node.js also allows JavaScript to run code on the server.
  • JavaScript is the primary programming language used in the MERN Stack. It is used to develop both the front-end and back-end of web applications.
  • You will need strong JavaScript skills, including modern ES6+ syntax, closures, and asynchronous programming.


  • Proficiency in creating structured, semantically correct HTML and styling with CSS.
  • Technically, HTML/CSS is not a programming language. It is a markup language used to present user interfaces to web users. The markup language is human-readable and uses tags to distinguish elements in a document. When these tags are included in a document, the computer interprets them and displays the content according to the tag’s instructions.


  • In-depth knowledge of React components, JSX, props, state, and lifecycle methods.
  • Familiarity with React Hooks for state management and side effects.
  • Understanding of React Router for handling client-side routing.
  • Integration of third-party libraries and components.

Redux (or Context API):

  • Ability to manage complex states in React applications using Redux or the Context API.


  • Proficiency in server-side JavaScript with Node.js.
  • MERN stack developers should know how to use node.js because it allows them to execute JavaScript code outside the confines of the web browser. As a result, MERN stack developers find it easy to develop server-side web applications that are fast and scalable.
  • MERN stack developers should focus on how to use the Node Package Manager, also known as npm. This tool simplifies managing multiple versions of code and quickly resolves dependency conflicts between different code packages.


  • Express.js is a backend framework that runs in Node.js. It helps MERN stack developers design and create a single page.
  • Express.js allows MERN Stack developers to organize server-side web applications in a more manageable model-view-controller architecture while remaining lightweight and fast.
  • Mastery of Express.js for building RESTful APIs and handling server routes.
  • Knowledge of middleware and request/response handling.


  • MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database program known for its adaptability. It meets the foremost point-by-point prerequisites at any scale.
  • Expertise in MongoDB, including data modelling, CRUD operations, indexing, and aggregation.
  • ORM/ODM tools like Mongoose for MongoDB.
  • MERN stack developer employs MongoDB to access and analyze tonnes of data in its indexing, ad hoc queries, and real-time aggregation.

API Design and Authentication:

  • RESTful API design principles and best practices.
  • User authentication and authorization using technologies like JWT or OAuth.

State Management:

  • Effective state management in frontend (React) and backend (Node.js) applications.


  • Writing unit and integration tests for both front and back end using tools like Jest, Mocha, or Chai.

Version Control:

  • Proficiency in Git for version control, branching, and collaboration

Package Management:

  • Using npm or Yarn for managing project dependencies and scripts

SQL database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.):


  • Deploying applications to cloud platforms like AWS, Heroku, or Netlify
  • Knowledge of server configuration and deployment strategies.


  • Docker for containerization of applications and services.

Performance Optimization:

  • Techniques for optimizing application performance include lazy loading and code splitting.

You may also want to consider learning the following technologies:

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • GraphQL


For individuals who plan to start their careers as MERN stack developers, it is advisable to master these skills to make it big! The investment in these skills in terms of time, money, and effort will help you reap rewards throughout your career.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about MERN Stack Developer

What should a MERN stack developer know?

MERN stack developers should know how to use node. Js because it allows them to execute JavaScript code outside the limits of the web browser. As a result, MERN stack developers find it easy to develop server-side web applications that are fast and scalable.

What do I need to know before learning the MERN stack?

Before learning the MERN stack frameworks, you will need to be proficient in programming with JavaScript. To learn JavaScript, you must be proficient in programming with HTML and CSS.

How do I become a pro-MERN stack developer?

To become a professional MERN stack developer, you need to learn about React and some of its important concepts, including JSX, components, props, state, and hooks. To get started with React, you can create a simple project and use the Create React app with Vite to create and run your project. You can also study next.

Is MERN stack enough for a full-stack developer?

Developers can use the MERN stack to work in a full-stack development environment. They also get everything they need to build fully scalable applications, including the latest frontend development tools and technologies right in the system.

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