How to Join Biswap Space Agents Program for Bloggers and Content Creators


Biswap, a decentralized exchange on the BNB Chain, has announced the launch of the June edition of the Biswap Space Agents Program, which will run from June 9, 2022 until 2:00 PM UTC on July 1.

Biswap is the first DEX on BNB Chain with a Multi-type referral system and the lowest exchange fee in the Defi space. The decentalized exchange platform for swapping BEP-20 tokens on BNB Chain is growing in popularity due to its innovativeness. It introduced a first-of-its-kind 3-type referral scheme where users earn rewards whenever their referrals take part in farms, launchpools, or make swaps. Biswap has the lowest exchange fee in BNB chain and charges 0.1% transaction fees. Biswap is listed on Binance and has more than 1,690,096 connected wallets, 470,000 active users globally and 100,000 BSW holders.

What Is The Biswap Space Agents Program?

Biswap Space Agents Program is created for strong and motivated leaders ready to take actions, with a deep understanding and interest in Biswap. This is for anyone that wants to see Biswap grow and expand by educating users about Biswap and the crypto world.

In this month spacewalk program, YouTubers, bloggers, influencers, crypto-community leaders and other content creators are welcome to participate actively and earn from $10,000 in BSW this month. Be a part of the space agents to take part in this mission and support Biswap Metaverse.

Eligible Participants

  • A motivated and communicative person who is passionate about the Biswap project and possesses knowledge of its core products and features
  • You’re ready to educate your community about Biswap features and innovations
  • You’re a YouTube / Telegram /Twitter blogger with a strong community
  • Instagram / Reddit Blog / TikTok / any thematic crypto blog / forum
  • Social media profile/group accounts with 5 000+ subscribers
  • You have a crypto community about of the 5 000 members
  • Texts can be displayed in any language. The video can be in any language but has built-in English subtitles (or auto-translate). The additional language will be a plus.
  • High level of responsibility and experience in the field of blogging

Topics for Monthly Spacewalk (June)

Every agent of the Biswap via Monthly Spacewalk, can create content on one of the 5 topics presented in the list:

  1. Biswap review. Benefits and profitable features
  2. Fixed Stacking. Unique Opportunity for Biswap Users
  3. Special chance for bloggers. Space Agents Program (with Additional reward of 100 BSW)
  4. Passive income from Biswap. All income possibilities for users
  5. Marketplace review. All marketplace updates.

For guidelines and a detailed description of each topic, click here.

How to Participate in the Biswap Space Agents Program

  • Register on Biswap
  • Fill the Registration Form corectly to confirm your participation in the Monthly Spacewalk for June. The content of the creators who sent their responses without registratering to confim participation will not be considered
  • Start creating content based on the selected topic
  • Submit your content in any form, including but not limited to: videos, posts, infographics, articles, banners, etc
  • Publish your content on social media channels with the hashtag #Biswap_Spacewalk and your referral link
  • Afte publishing your content, submit your content by filling in the Content Submission Form with the correct details. Publish your content as soon as possible to achieve the highest reach
  • Biswap will assess the quality of your content based on its general characteristics like Quality, Logic, Creativity and Referral Link presence.
  • Failure to submit content on topic selected before the specified deadline (2:00 PM UTC on July 1) will not be considered for the reward

Benefits and Prizes to be won

Apart from the numerous prizes to be won, one of the fantastic benefits prepared for the Biswap Space Agents for their effort, time, energy, and work is the experience in working with a professional PR and marketing team at Biswap, media support for selected content, events partnership with Biswap to connect and expand your community, earn up to $3 000 in BSW tokens for productivity and high-quality work and huge income from the unique Biswap Referral Program.

$10,000 BSW rewards to be shared:

  •  $1500 in BSW for 1st position
  •  $1250 in BSW fo 2nd position
  •  $1000 in BSW for 3rd position
  •  $750 in BSW for 4th position
  • $500 in BSW fo 5th to 10th position

$2 500 BSW Additional Rewards Pool:

  1. $500 BSW intergalactic audience reward for the most engaging content
  2. $500 BSW referral space king if your content reaches the maximum number of referrals through your referral link
  3. $500 BSW to the most favorable by Robi and Biswap space team
  4. $500 BSW reward to the best brypto guru on the solar system for most exciting content about the ins and outs of trading on Biswap
  5. $500 BSW starlight choice by biswappers to the creator with content that receives the most votes in the Biswap Telegram community. Voting will take place from the 10th to the 15th of July. Please note that this award category is meant for only participants that do not have up to two awards in monthly spacewalk.

List of winners of the prizes will be annonced and notified by Google mail and Telegram message by the 10th of July. Participants will have five days to complain before the prizes will be distributed on the 20th of July.

All the participants who completed Biswap Space Agents Program for June and fulfilled all conditions will be awarded. Participants are eligible to receive both primary and additional awards.

Criteria for determining the winners

  • The content reflects the topic of the challenge accurately. It does not have hidden meanings and is entirely accessible to the user
  • Content must be free from plagarism and unique
  • The creativeness of content and overall effectiveness of the content
  • Content created at the highest level and accessible to the user with clear and understandable pronunciation, well written or filmed, good and high-quality sound with subtitles
  • Add biswap referral link, #Biswap_Spacewalk #BiswapDEX #BiswapMetaverse hashtags and use of provided references to improve the quality of the created content

Note: Old content (videos and articles) that was created for the previous month Spacewalk Program cannot be submitted for the June Biswap Space Agents Program

Biswap Space Agents Program Terms of Participation

  • Creators can choose only one topic and award can be given for only one theme
  • Biswap’s Team will send all the rewards to the winners by the 20th of July
  • Content can be created in English language or any other languages but must have english subtitles
  • Biswap reserves the right to change the terms of the Program or the Entry Rules at its sole discretion and the right to cancel the Program.

For full infomation on Biswap Space Agents Program Terms and condition, click here.

Click Here to Register


If you don’t want to miss this great opportunity to show your talent as a crypto content creator or a blogger , then register here and win a share of $10,000 BSW from Biswap month spacewalk program. Let’s reach the Moon together!

Visit Biswap official website here or follow on Twitter, Medium and Telegam to keep up with all the latest news and offers from Biswap.

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Disclaimer: The article is written for educational purposes only not intended as, and shall not be construed as, financial, investment, or trading advice. Some of the links in the article are links to third-party websites or other content for information purposes only. The affiliate links in the article will give us a commission with no additional cost at your end.  For example if you click on an any of the affiliate links, and sign up and trade on Biswap, Yinksmedia may receive compensation.

Yinksmedia does not recommend that any cryptocurrency should be bought, sold, or held by you. We advise readers to do their own research before trading any cryptocurrencies and invest wisely. Yinksmedia is not liable for investment gains or losses.

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